May links

Posts and papers that I have read and used in my own blogposts in May.

Deposit insurance and lender of last resort

Lessons from the Northern Rock failure - Cass Business School

Bank runs, deposit insurance & liquidity - Diamond & Dyvbig


UK trade balance charts - Reuters

The truth about welfare - Ian Mulheirn

How Mervyn King lost the battle of Britain's banks - Simon Nixon trashes Mervyn King


ECB assessment of Eurosystem staff macro projections

ECB: Target balances and monetary policy operations (very good paper)

Pew Report: The new sick man of Europe

By the law of noncontradiction - Ashok Rao:


Sub-Saharan Africa winning the world easy money sweepstakes  - Simone Foxman (Quartz)

IMF report on sub-Saharan Africa

Debt sustainability in emerging markets

IMF's "we got it wrong" on sovereign debt restructuring. Painful!

Mismeasuring Poverty - ProSyn

Reuters on the FX effects of QE. Unwind risks repeat of Asian crisis.

IMF Fiscal Monitor: Fiscal adjustment in an uncertain world

Domestic demand US-Japan-Eurozone (chart) via Cardiff Garcia

Will Housing Save the US Economy? - Sufi, Chicago Booth university


 Uncertainty, Liquidity Hoarding and Financial Crisis - NY Fed

Co-op bank downgrade statement - Moody's

Bernanke speech: Monitoring the Financial System

Wall St's most worrying charts - Business Insider

FT Alphachat on negative rates (audio)

Balance sheet strength and bank lending during the financial crisis - IMF

Heterogeneous bank lending responses to monetary policy - IMF

Diamond & Rajan: Theory of Bank Capital - NBER (free to read)


Why are birthrates falling around the world? Television. - Brad Plumer at Wonkblog

The Great Grey Catastrophe - Reuters Insider (video)


Deflation in a world of abundance - An Abundant World

Savings is the smoking gun - An Abundant World

Hysteresis effects of financial crises - Delong (with ref to Oulton & Sebastia Barriel)

Wealth as insurance - Interfluidity

The case for inflation - Vox

For QE links see The QE Debate.


Free information, as great as it sounds, will enslave us all - Jaron Lanier (Quartz)


  1. Trade balance one is a great illustration. Dire.


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